How to create intermediate tables

Excuse my beginner question. ...Assumptions. I have two entities in my domain model, "member" and "project". Each possesses multiple attributes. What we want to do I want to check which members are participating in which project on the homepage. The reverse is also true How can we achieve the above? Do we need to create intermediate tables on the domain model? If so, I would appreciate it if you could also tell me how to create it. Translated with (free version)
1 answers

Hi Ryoma,


This is possible with a simple domain model that has set the Navigability to Both entities like below.


And on the page a structure with a tab container for example. A listview left with datasource from database the members. Right a dataview listening to the left widget with inside a listview of the associated projects.



And on the other tab ofcourse the reverse with project as the datasource and the member association in the listview on the right.

Hopefully I explained it well enough for you with the provided screenshots.




