I think you should send the long number which is milliseconds elapsed since the EPOCH
I made a small app as i was interested in this too. See if you can get some help from this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BqcGKbCg1a-YxY31baYz7e8VBAb9vdn4/view?usp=share_link
Once you have the application, run it. Then i made a rest service which you can check and execute by running the SWAGGER console at http://localhost:8080/rest-doc/rest/myservice/v1
When you call it with the right data (See below example of the JSON request body that you have to pass to this service), you open the mendix app and from the side navigaiton there is an Overview page which has the newly inserted data.
// 1678967680627 == current EPOCH
"startDate": "1678967680627"
Let me know if it helped
Hi Markus,
Can you share the date time format which you are sending to Mendix through API?