Which DB is better for prod applucation build in or external

I am working on the design of the application which we going to develop in Mendix only. We are going to fetch data from 2 different system and will perform some action over it. For that we need to maintain the metadata. So my doubt is “is Mendix built in DB efficient and relaible for production application or its better to have own database for prod issue analysis and resolution?
1 answers

Hi Poonam,

Going by your question I am assuming that you are hosting your App on the Mendix Cloud.

To answer your question, PostGre which is used by default on Mendix is quite reliable. No issues for running an app on PROD with this DB.

However, you will have no control on the DB if you use the default option. You cannot access the DB, select or modify data. That is also the desired design by Mendix since all data need to be controlled from UI(since it is ID based). Performing manual DB actions can result in catastrophe unless one understands the structure under it completely. 

Having your own DB like Oracle or MSSql would definitely give you more control on the DB. If you are looking into a heavy support related App where in you have to modify data without deployments this option would be suitable to you. 


Final call would be based on your need. PostGRE is secure and no issues while it doesn’t give you control over DB. External DB’s would give you control over DB but come with its own risks. Make an informed decision.



Sharad R K


Hi Poona,

Going by your question I am assuming that you are hosting your App on the Mendix Cloud.

To answer your question, PostGre which is used by default on Mendix is quite reliable. No issues for running an app on PROD with this DB.

However, you will have no control on the DB if you use the default option. You cannot access the DB, select or modify data. That is also the desired design by Mendix since all data need to be controlled from UI(since it is ID based). Performing manual DB actions can result in catastrophe unless one understands the structure under it completely. 

Having your own DB like Oracle or MSSql would definitely give you more control on the DB. If you are looking into a heavy support related App where in you have to modify data without deployments this option would be suitable to you. 


Final call would be based on your need. PostGRE is secure and no issues while it doesn’t give you control over DB. External DB’s would give you control over DB but come with its own risks. Make an informed decision.



Sharad R K
