Consume API Locally

Hi Mendix Community – I have two Local mendix Applications – one application has published API -service EXPOSE DATABASE and  the other Local application is Consumed API by using Rest post call to fill up the table of first app and using the URL of the first application. EVEN the API works fine on swagger but it looks there are no communication between the two. but there is no error on post call. 
2 answers

On the local application that consumes the API, turn up the log level of REST Consume up to TRACE. That will log the request and response, so you can see what is being sent by your application and what is being received.

You could also put a breakpoint on the REST service microflow that exposes the data and see what happens when (or if) the service is being called.

Good luck!


Thanks Robert and Ganesh, I figure out the problem I used the URL for swagger instead of using API end point. Thanks  every one.
