oracle database for mendix private cloud configuration

Hello, i am going to use an oracle database. In mxpc installer → database plan, for the database name, should i use the container database (cdb) or pluggable database (pdb)? and for the jdbc url, should i use pdb or cdb (e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@mdxoracle01:1521:ORCLCDB or jdbc:oracle:thin:@mdxoracle01:1521:ORCLPDB1?
1 answers


In your case, if you are using a single database, you can use the CDB. If you are using multiple databases, you can use PDBs. As for the JDBC URL, you should use the URL that matches the database you are connecting to. If you are connecting to the CDB, use the CDB URL, and if you are connecting to a specific PDB, use the PDB URL.
