Copying the values of one entity into another

I have created two entities,i.e, 1.Permanent_Address and 2.Current_Address. I make the user fill his Permanent address through a form and then I ask him if his Permanent address is same as the Current address, if he presses the YES button i want to copy all his inputs from the permanent address entity into the current address entity. How can i achieve this?
3 answers

Hi Abdur,

As Abishek said,

You can trigger an on-change microflow on the checkbox, and depending on true or false, you can copy the attributes of the permanent address into the temporary address,

For that, you can use a change object activity, and then just assign the value of your desired attribute into other,


 $object/permanent address

Let me know, if you face any issues,

Hope it helps!!


Hello Abdur Rahman,

Please follow the steps,

  1. Create a microflow for the on change event of the checkbox.
  2. In that microflow use change object activity for the current address and pass the value of permanent address.
  3. Don’t forget to use refresh in client option in change object.
  4. By this you can achieve the use case needed.


Hope my answer helps. Reach me out for any queries.


Hi Abdur,


  • On the checkbox, trigger an onchange event,
  • Create/call a microflow.
  • If permanent address and current address are attributes, you can set the permanent address attribute to current address attribute.
  • If both are different entities, try using copy attributes in community commons

Hope it helps!!!
