Deleting FileDocument does not guarantee that File data is deleted

We have a case where an email with an attachment was sent multiple times (thousands of times) and the email Attachment is created in the database as a FileDocument specialization. When deleting the Email and Attachment from the database, it appears like the file data associated with the Attachment/FileDocument is never actually deleted. This causes an undeletable file to remain in storage and causes backups to bloat and take forever. How can I address this and guarantee the file data will be removed when cleaning up the email/attachment/filedocument?
2 answers

Is there a custom runtime setting called performdeletefromstorage set to false perhaps? Thats what controls the mechanism so it should be set to Yes so it actually deletes the file from storage aswell. See


Hi Viktor, I think this is happening because of association with template and email. Change the delete behaviour to the below state. It might work.

