Login and Data retrieval

I have made an application similar to Employee Onboarding System. In this the employee registers with an email id and then after setting the password im, they enter into their account. I have created several forms in different sections that the employee needs to fill one by one. What i want to do is that i want to connect al these entity with the login id that is the email of the user so that it becomes easier to extract data. I have used System.User while making the login pages. And also I want that the user should be able to fill the forms only once but simce i am creating an object everything the user opens a form , he is able to fill it n number of times.
4 answers

It should look something like below:


Hi Abdur,


Can you share the Domain Model screen shot, my understanding is as follows:


  1. I hope you have created a App Specific Entity like AppUser with a one-one association to Administration.Account entity (Specialization of System.User) 
  2. Instead of trying to link the Email of the user to each Form you might have to add an association between the AppUser and Form entity and this association will help in retrieving the User Specific forms.
  3. I am not sure how your Form entity is structured (Single vs Multiple Entities)  but when a user is directed to a form add a logic check to see if the User already has an existing form (In Microflow retrieve the Form from Database for the Appuser through association)


Hope this helps let me know if you have any questions.


Here is my Domain model.

Basically, the “job” entity is the first thing the employee is asked to fill.Followed by the General , then address and current address and so on.


Hi Abdur,


First thing to focus is the way you design your domain model, please go through the Mendix Learning Paths and required Mendix Documentation for the same.


Your Domain model should look something like this:

