Trying to implement a search function to data grid that is populated by a microflow that queries an Oracle database

I am trying to implement a search function to a database through Mendix that will allow me to put in some information on a form, and using that information to perform a query and return the resulting list to a datagrid on another page. I have succeeded in getting Mendix to automatically pull information from a database using a static query. However, if I want to search for a specific entry, I need a place to enter a name and then use that parameter to execute a new query that populates a data grid or list with everyone that has the same name. Knowing how to do this will also be useful to paging, since I can then execute a new query that offsets where the search begins to get a new page of results.  To summarize, the main issue is figuring out how to get some parameters (like names or addresses), use that to modify a dynamic query, and then take the results of the query and populate a data grid or list. I tried doing something straightforward like this: but this obviously does not work, because if I tried to then use this microflow as a source of information, the new data grid will fire a CE1573 error, saying “Parameter 'Contact' of the selected microflow does not match available arguments. No arguments are available to 'grid143'.” I suspect this is because the data grid that I am trying to populate with entries doesn’t have a Contact parameter to put in. I have the contact parameter because I was trying to fill out a form that takes the information, stores it as a contact (non-persisting) entity, and would then use that information to query, but unfortunately the grid doesn’t know that it only has to receive the information and not try to execute itself.
1 answers


Create a non-persistable entity and create attributes to search for main entity attributes. In search page keep the non-persistable as data source and keep attributes as you needed, in search button call a microflow and pass this parameter and follow steps as you done before.
