Best Practices for Creating Database Backups and Ensuring Data Integrity Before Going Live

Hello All, I'm in the process of preparing my Mendix application for a production deployment, and I want to ensure that I have a robust plan in place for creating database backups and maintaining data integrity during the go-live process. I'm using Mendix 9.24.1 with Built-in database, and I'm looking for guidance on best practices. Specifically, I'd like to know: What are the recommended methods and tools for creating database backups in Mendix, and how can I schedule them efficiently? Are there any Mendix-specific considerations I should keep in mind when it comes to data migration and ensuring that my application seamlessly transitions from a staging environment to a live environment? What are the key steps involved in the go-live process to minimize the risk of data loss or disruptions? How do I validate the integrity of data in my live application after the update? Any insights, best practices, or personal experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
1 answers



If you’re deploying the Mendix app in the Mendix cloud then Mendix will take care and a backup will be created on a daily basis and you can also restore the database backup in your environment.

Refer to this link to more about Mendix backup –  
