Error while running the application

Hello Team ,  I am using MySql As my external database, Can anyone guide me the entire process to achieve this as i am done with some errors. I need to start from beginning. Also When i am running my appilication i am getting this error.  I downloaded the JDBC drivers of version  Currently I am using Mendix – 9.18.2 and My sql server version – 8.0.34 , which jar file i need to download and where to get . Thanks in Advance 
1 answers


You can check the following scenarios :

  1.  Check your database configuration and double check your database connection.
  2.  You probably have added (unique) validation rules on an entity, AFTER you have added entries. The existing entries are in conflict with the new validation rules.

           If Yes, then remove validation rules and handle in microflow level.

       3.  Check if more than one attribute with naming does exist in the entity level. If yes rename or delete if it's not required.



Hope it helps!
