No records are displayed in the data grid.

I created two entities and want to merge them by the year, but this is not working and in the data grid, there's no value for these attributes which from another entity.    
2 answers

It looks like the association between your 2 entities is not properly on creating the objects (I see a _2 so perhaps on creating you are setting another ElectricityImport_ElectricityConsumption assocation)?


Or perhaps the user has no read rights on the association or the selected attribute from ElectricityConsumption


hello baiquan,


Instead of  calling your entity directly from the data grid you can call a microflow instead within which you can create a new list first and then iterate you first entity and within iterator you can iterate second entity (the mapping list too).


By this you will get the proper list which you want


Thank you,

Geeta Negi
