Condition to select specific attribute of an entity based on enumerations

i have 5 entities where employer , employee, branch with 3 branch names , Programs, Tasks now to assign tasks when i select the branchname in  i need condition such that i get the dropdown box which shows the employer name and employee names of the same branch name of task branch name 
1 answers


  • Create an association between Branch and Employer (1-to-many or many-to-many, depending on your requirements).
  • Create an association between Branch and Employee (1-to-many or many-to-many).
  • Create an association between Branch and Tasks if not already there.

Step 1: Create the Page

  1. Dropdown for Branch: Add a dropdown widget to select the branch. This dropdown should be sourced from the Branch entity.
  2. Dropdown for Employers and Employees: Add two more dropdown widgets, one for the Employer and one for the Employee.

Step 2: Set Up XPath Constraints

  1. For Employer Dropdown:

    • Set the data source of the Employer dropdown to be the Employer entity.
    • Use an XPath constraint to filter the employers based on the selected branch. This XPath could look like [Module.Branch_Employer/Branch = $CurrentObject], where $CurrentObject refers to the selected branch and Module is your Module name.
  2. For Employee Dropdown:

    • Set the data source of the Employee dropdown to be the Employee entity.
    • Use an XPath constraint similar to the Employer, like [Module.Branch_Employee/Branch = $CurrentObject].