How to create an agent for automatic data import?

Dear Mendix community, I am currently trying to design a mendix app in which a lot of data should be monitored. In a Mendix app, each application has its own database to store persistent data. But my question is if I as an app developer can implement an automated data import in my Mendix database which works for example with an Azure agent. This means that as soon as new data is available, it is automatically imported into my Mendix database with an agent without the user having to manage this via the user interface.  Another question is if I can give my data a certain lifetime so that it is automatically removed from the database after 6 months?  It would be a great help if you could answer these questions. Thank you in advance.
2 answers

I'm not familiar with Azure agents, but if they can call a REST service I would suggest you build a REST service in your Mendix application to accept this new data. The Azure agent would push the changes and the Mendix application would import this data.


If you enable the createdDate attribute on the entities that are imported by this REST Service, then you can simply have a scheduled event in your Mendix application that looks for any objects that are over 6 months old and deletes them.


Good luck!


Thanks for the quick reply! I will try to solve the problem with a rest service :)
