Import and export using mendix marketplace or python

For a project i am doing our stakeholders want to be able to import and export data, is it better to do this using a python script or using the excel import/export marketplace?
2 answers

Hello Stefan, 


It depends on the amount of data you want to export and import and the expected performance that you want to have. *

Personally, when there is not much data(we speak about more than 10 000 entries), I would try to keep everything in Mendix and use the marketplace module, in this way you keep everything together and you can maintain your application better. 

However, when it are large datasets and performance expectations are critical then you should maybe go for python which probably can handle large datasets imports and exports better than the Mendix software.


Hope this helps


Good luck!


What does the stakeholder actually need?


You could do a straight database dump if the export is just for backup. If it's for manipulating data then Excel import/export is great for a few simple objects. If you need a complex data structure you will need to look at using Import/Export Mapping with JSON or XML.


Good luck!
