What is Remote Entity in Purple color? What is the actual use of it?

What is Remote Entity in Purple color? What is the actual use of it? I am unable to find documentation of it.   Can you please share the info to under stand about it
1 answers

Hi Srinivas,


In the domain model:

  • Persistent Entities (stored in the Mendix database) are shown blue
  • Non-Persistent Entities (only living in cache) are shown orange
  • Remote Entitities (stored in external database/system) are shown purple
  • View Entities (new feature in beta) are shown green

It's just to indicate if and where the data is persisted.


I agree it would be logical if this was listed on the documentation page about the Domain Model (https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/domain-model/), but it's only mentioned in the External Entity documentation (https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/external-entities/).


Kind regards,

