Mendix database (in memory database)

Hi folks, I am having doubt in Mendix Database usage.   Scenario as: I am having a file of 200 attributes and million of records that need to be processed and store it and retrieve back for future use.    source - File data Target - Teamcenter data The data need to compared with other data (Teamcenter data) , basically comparison and update the file data and transform / update to Teamcenter database.   in that 200 attributes , mostly need to filter around 30 attributes need to used to display in UI   Question : 1- Mendix database will it work to store as persistent to retrieve back . 2 - Mendix database will accommodate that amount of data in In memory. 3 - In that scenarios Mendix database or external database is good choice.   Majorly am looking to understand is Mendix is having in memory database. we can use it as cache only right. Shall we store some value as persistent.   In what scenarios we can go for external database and Mendix database.     Please share your ideas. Thanks in advance.    
1 answers

Millions of data or more, modern databases are very clever while handling large amount of data either ways. Its more about how do you want to retrieve this data, for what purposes, how do you display this data in UI etc. If you make your choices in the Domain model smartly and make good choices in the UI/UX then you should not have any issues in "playing with millions of data"


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