Mendix In Memory Database

Hi folks, I am having doubt in Mendix Database usage.   Scenario as: I am having a file of 200 attributes and million of records that need to be processed and store it and retrieve back for future use.    source - File data Target - Teamcenter data The data need to compared with other data (Teamcenter data) , basically comparison and update the file data and transform / update to Teamcenter database.   in that 200 attributes , mostly need to filter around 30 attributes need to used to display in UI   Question : 1- Mendix database will it work to store as persistent to retrieve back . 2 - Mendix database will accommodate that amount of data in In memory. 3 - In that scenarios Mendix database or external database is good choice.   Majorly am looking to understand is Mendix is having in memory database. we can use it as cache only right. Shall we store some value as persistent.   In what scenarios we can go for external database and Mendix database.     Please share your ideas. Thanks in advance.    
1 answers

Hey Venkateshkumar,

I had simillar requirements as you mentioned, instead of 200 attributes it's was 100 and instead million records it was half a millions and also based on that import I create custom soft search and display it on some complicated way as client wanted, it's was fairly easy to build it and Mendix can handle it without any issue. And your seconds question 2 - Mendix database will accommodate that amount of data in In memory. It's depends how you will build logic you need to understand how GC work in Mendix every end activity in Mendix is bassically triggering GC to clean-up memory so if you build it based on Mendix best practice you will have no issue and pretty good performance. And additionally to this 

Majorly am looking to understand is Mendix is having in memory database. we can use it as cache only right.

Shall we store some value as persistent.

I'm pretty sure in all other programming language if you try to keep millions of records in memory, you will hit the memory leak at some point so don't do that, yes you should store it as persistent entites.

If you have any more question be free to add as comment to this answer.

Best regards, Slavko
