How do I download a file that I have upload?

Hi, I have successfully made a microflow that lets me upload files required from a customer, but now I have the issue of where do I find these files? I thought it would be convenient to create a download button related to the customer, where I can download the files uploaded, the issue is that currently it's downloading the last file I uploaded, it's not targeting my specified customer. If anyone has any suggestion or ideas of how to find these files easily from the database, they are more than welcomed!  
2 answers

Hi Francisco Quintero,

When you are retrieving the Files , Just Retrieve the one object instead of list,

Select your entity-> in the range select first & in the XPath constraint them by some condition or association like


like this



Hi Francisco Quintero,


Have an association between your customer entity and your document entity. Whenever you are creating a Document object, associate it with the Customer entity  ( Entity where you are storing customer data). This will help you to retrieve documents specific to the customer.


Going with the association would be my first choice, if not possible, you can make use of the method explained by Mohammad Saqib above. The only fallback of retrieving using an attribute is that the value might change, which will not retrieve the files properly.


Hope it helps!!
