Attribute shows error message when viewing page

Hello all, I am very new to Mendix so I am sure this may be a no brainer to the more experienced builders out there. I created Page Overviews using 4 different entities having to due with expense types and all generally laid out the same. For the "Amount" attribute I used the decimal type. When running the app locally and viewing, 2 of the pages are good and the other 2 have an error under the "Amount" attributes for the filer box that states "The attribute type that is being used for Text filter is not 'Hashed String or String'". This confused me because the other 2 pages with entities were built the same way and do not have this error. I went back in and changed the attribute types to "String" thinking that is what it was meaning, but now I get the error "The attribute type that is being used for Text filter is not 'Autonumber, Decimal, Integer, or Long'" on the 2 that were good, and the 2 with the original errors do not have the error. I have looked through all 4 entities and made sure they were the same. The preference is Decimal as it relates to the cost of the expense. I cannot figure out why 2 of the entities require decimal and the other 2 require string for the text filters. I have researched this question and most that I have found relate to DataGrids. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.   Very Respectfully, Brice Randall
2 answers

I have come to the realization that this error in fact is with the data grid 2. I did not realize it auto creates it when creating a page over view. I didn't solve the error issue but I did, in a way, by deleting the text search fields. I am still leaving question up in case someone else has the same issue.


Hi Brice Randall,


Screenshot 2024-08-27 185611.png


If you are getting this , just go on that page and check the filter type may be you are using number filter for string value or text filter for integer/decimal value.

Just change the filter type for string value use text filter and for integer or decimal value use number filter.
