External Database Connector doesnt support Datatype RAW from Oracle DB

I'm currently developing a full-stack application with Mendix in version 10.13.1. The Application consists of an garphical user interface (web-app) and a backend structure with a relational database. The used database is a oracle database in version 12c. To handle the data for my mendix application i tried to implement the "external database connector" module offered by mendix. In this module the oracle database is supported and i can connect to the database. Test connection is successfull.  The database tables i use have a numeric primary key with the datatype integer. They are used to handle database transactions and foreign key relationships. To handle the entities in external applications the entities got also a uuid as unique identifer (not as primary key) with the datatype RAW(16) in the database table. When i tried to create a query in the external database connector, i called a select statement on the database table and got the expected response.    But when i tried to use the option 'use response' to generate the entity for the domain model in Mendix, the module shows the error message 'Data Type 'raw' is not supported'. Is there any option to use the datatype RAW in this module or a work around. Converting the RAW to String is not an solution in this case.   
1 answers

You'll have to cast the datatype into something supported in Mendix, so e.g:

select rawtohex(sys_guid()) as raw_guid_as_varchar2
from dual


Why is this not a solution for your case?
