How to connect to cloud DB from external

Hi all, I work as a testautomation engineer for my company and we have several Mendix apps that we work with.  We use Cucumber with Java for our regression tests on a Jenkins server and we run the tests daily so we produce lots of testdata on our Mendix test environments which is a huge polution of our test DB. So I have a couple of questions: I was wondering if I could access our DB in the cloud from within our testautomation? If it is possible how do I do that with given (example) app: https::// Can OQL drop specific data? As I couldn't find it in the dataset docs. Thanks in advance, Richard.
2 answers

Hi Richard,

Please watch this video


Hi Mohammad,

Thanks for the answer, but that wasn't what I meant. This video is about connecting to an external database from within Mendix.

What I meant was: I need to connect to the Mendix Cloud DB from our app from outside Mendix.


But I already found the answer: And this isn't possible so I already asked the developers to create an scheduled event to clear out the DB with my testing "junk" on a regular basis.
