built-in db(HSQL) vs PostgreSQL (can not get value if I use built-in db)
Hello , I am mendix developper , my client using our mendix web service , and occured error when using system caluclation for there business, (client use postgreSQL on there server , but for development , they use built-in DB on there mendix studio pro ver10.16) I am using mendix studio pro ver10.16 same version , but DB is PostgreSQL (ver15), my environment occure no error . Mendix version 10.16 have some bugs if we use built0in DB (HSQL) ? when I using mendix 9.19 , never happend this problem. thank you very much.
Hiromitsu Oinuma
1 answers
It is recommended to install a local postgres server instead of using Builtin DB. Postgres is more professional, reliable, is free and has the same functionality as the cloud.