OQL error: Cannot resolve path to entity

Trying to write a simple OQL query in a View Entity that selects the attribute 'Qty' from a persistable entity 'Open_Reqs using the following code:   SELECT Qty FROM Open_Reqs   I get the following errors The path 'Open_Reqs' does not resolve to an entity. Cannot resolve path part 'Open_Reqs'. Cannot resolve path part 'Qty'. What is the correct syntax for selecting an entity? Mendix version is 10.19.0
2 answers

Hi Jeffry,

You need to use Module.EntityName in the FROM, its also case sensitive. More information can be found here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/oql/ there is also a playground to see what queries you can write (and how to utilize them: https://service.mendixcloud.com/p/OQL


Possible issues:

1. There is no entity as 'Open_Reqs' in your module

2. When you creating an OQL, you need to mention the module as well which is totally missing here.

3. There is no attribute as Qty in the mentioned entity.


Providing domain model and the OQL properly will be helpful for looking into this deeply.
