Again webservice: how to integrate mult-row/multi column responses in Mendix

Hi, Using Web Services I can integrated webservices in Mendix which do return exactly one field. Unfortunately I’m not able to get a multi-row /multi column result back in Mendix to be displayed in datagrid. The call to the Webserver works fine and the XML in the response show multiple rows though in Mendix no results can be found. The outputvariable in the export (import) map shows nothing. I see no way to go forward with this. How must this be done in Mendix? Rik  
2 answers

Hi, have you had a look at our how-to pages regarding integration? These two should describe what you need to know:

If that doesn't help, can you describe where in the process on those pages you get stuck?


Hi Bart.

Thank you very much! It did not help me directly as I tried it before. It brought me however to the ideathat the XML which was generated for Microsoft Dataset type could not be processed by Mendix. So I rewrote the C# server to WCF Service and everything is now working very well.



