Can we have a separate port for the odata service?

Currently the odata service on back of the url is like localhost:8080/odata/ however if I want a separate port just for the odata service to be 8090 instead of 8080, would this be possible? There is some data concerns with security team who wants to change the port for odata service.    Thanks in advance.   Savan
3 answers

You cannot run odata on a different port; instead for security you can assign application roles that have access to odata resources. You can also specify per entity who gets to see what data.


Not that I know, but you  can  restrict access  (for the specific request handler  /odata/) to  the app in  the cloud node Network settings


@savan Only if you run a second MX application instance that runs at the other port, and still this only works in an environment you built up yourself it is not possible to do this in the general MX cloud.

The OData service is just part of the MX runtime and that all runs on the same port.
