GC overhead limit exceeded, always 5 minutes after Core: Removing session for user

One of our appilcations throws the 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded', always about 5 minutes after removing a session. This can happen any time (for example in the middle of the night when nobody is using the application).  It doesn't happen at removing every session, just sometimes. Does anybody have an idea why this might happen? And what does Mendix do after removing a session?
2 answers

In itself, the removal of a session is an unlikely cause of an OutOfMemory error. It could be a potential effect though.

In all cases I've seen this error, I'd been running a larger batch of something than the allocated memory could handle. If you're running in the Mx cloud; could you have a look at your memory graphs (sudden spikes or gradual increase) ?

Also, in an on-premise situation (and if no cause was obvious) I'd have the application do a heapdump when this happens, and analyse it to see exactly *what* is clogging up the memory. You might ask if Mx can provide such in the cloud as well.


Does it process a lot of records? What is the stacktrace?
