Trying to get a Simple report on Funds Transfer.

Hi I am new to reporting and please bear with me. I have an Entitiy named "Transfers" Which I use to Transfer funds between two user accounts. It has two associations to the administration.account, one for selecting the funds trasfer to and the other to select the funds transfer from.  I have attached the Image of the Entity as you can see.   Now I have managed to get the transfer function working. But now I need to make a simple report on transfers. Selecting date etc. For that I need to create a dataset as I know. But I  am in a confusion how to get the OQL to get the Two names and the rest of the data such as amount and date. The amount and date is simple to get as I know that.  This is what I have now: Select Transfer_Amount as Amount, Date as Date, Notes as Notes From MainModule.Tranfers   But can any one please help me on getting the two names, The select from name and select to name.   Please help   Regards Dilan
1 answers


This post has a simple, clear example of how to build an OQL requiring joins between tables, which is what you need.

Hope that helps,

