MXModelReflection (Reflection) Sync Issue

Some of my modules lose their synchronization on the Mx Model Reflection page after pushing updates to the production server. I noticed this because my email templates which relied on a Token, stopped working. I would have to resync the modules and re-associate the email template variables for it to work again. What would cause these modules to get out of sync? (When I go to the Mx Objects Sync page, some of my modules are not checked after a production update)
2 answers

The only way the modules are becomming unchecked if the settings are not saved. This you could check by only stopping and starting the environment again. Did you modify the original module? The only other reason to loose for instance email template settings is because the name of entities or references have been changed in your domain model.




This happened again. I haven't changed the original module. I'm creating a ticket with Mendix on this. Thanks for your help so far.
