Unexpected behaviour with deleting object in Internet Explorer (11)
Hi all, Maybe you could help us out with the following. We're experiencing an issue when deleting an object, in IE11. We have configured delete behaviour on this object and we should get a pop-up telling the user the object could not be deleted because it is associated with another object. In IE11 the pop-up won't show but the user ends up with a refresh and as a result his/her homepage. In Chrome and Edge it's currently working fine. We've tried to add our platform to the IE Options/Privacy tab as a trusted site but to no avail. All our other microflow feedbacks like 'show message' actions work perfectly in IE, but only with the delete exception the users won't see the pop-up. This is what we're seeing under the hood in IE when pressing the delete button: First POST: {"action":"executeaction","params":{"gridid":"2e4b158a-05a3-4638-81a3-b57209de2714","applyto":"selection","guids":["9288674231451650"],"validationGuids":["14636698788956118"],"actionname":"Maintenance.ACT_BU_Delete"},"changes":{},"objects":[],"context":["14636698788956118"],"profiledata":{"1516290216418-22":14}} Result: {"type":"exception","description":"Deleting a Business Unit with Employees is not possible!","result":560} Next POST: {"action":"executeaction","params":{"gridid":"2e4b158a-05a3-4638-81a3-b57209de2714","applyto":"selection","guids":["9288674231451650"],"validationGuids":["14636698788956118"],"actionname":"Maintenance.ACT_BU_Delete"},"changes":{},"objects":[],"context":["14636698788956118"]} Result: {"result":"Invalid session, please login"} Any ideas on your end as to what could the problem? As for now we're making custom delete flows with error handling enabled but this is not we want obviously..