Enumeration value not passed correctly

Hi guys, I have problems with an enumeration that I am setting on a page using radiobuttons. One of the options is not properly passed. Context: My enumeration has 3 values : A, B and C. The attribute which uses the enumeration is set to have a default value of A. The attribute is placed on the page via a dataview (1-1 assocation) The radiobuttons on the page have an on-change microflow which refreshed the caller of the page (this is not the object which contains the attribute I am changing) I am using modeler version 6.8.0 Issue: When I select option A using the radiobuttons, the attribute value is not changed (it stays on the previous option). I see this with a breakpoint on the on-change microflow behind the radiobuttons. Options B and C seem to work just fine. Page (front-end): Page (back-end): Breakpoint showing wrong enumeration value:   Has anyone experienced similar behaviour or an explanation what may cause this?
2 answers

Could it be that you are setting the default value to "A", so by clicking on "A" you are not actually "changing" the value. If you select "B" or "C" first and then select "A", it would probably work?

Perhaps you can set the default value to 'null', that way clicking on "A" would actually be a change.


So, I removed the default value of the attribute which seemd to have fixed the issue. However, the issue has now returned without any changes to the model. When clicking back and forth between the 3 options the option A is passed correctly occasionaly but fails in most cases. This suggests some kind of actions are conflicting and the order of execution influences the outcome. I have checked for changes of the attribute but there are none except for the microflow which initially calls the page
