I have some problem from import data from excel, I am doing everything following the documenta, and my domain model and import seting is show in the picture,I first use the XLS excel. it is called: import is finished, but there is no data in my database when I go to the database page: this is my excel file this is my domain model, I am trying to import data for Conversation_paterner: CP_id this is my import setting, i just follow the instruction of the document. this is my import setting and result, as you can see there is no data but is called import success: As you guys see, there is no error and problem when doing these process, but there is no new data in my data base, so I am very confused, the only two things I find is there is two warning in my mendix: I really dont know what is going on here, it should be work , when I change the excel file to XLSX, but I didnt change the seting and the content in excel, there is error: and mendix doesn't support the CSV file, so can you guys helo me to check what is going wrong?
Also make sure that you use the Conversationpartner_File_conversation_paterner as both the Import Excel Doc and as the Import object parameter in the java action
Paul Moes TimeSeries
Hi Meiying,
When setting up your excel template, the first column of an excel sheet is column 0. So in your case, your template is setup to import the entire B column. Since there is no data, then nothing is being imported. Change your column number to 0 and that should do the trick.