Filter by Empty or not empty in search fields in datagrid

Hello,   I like to filter data value (empty or not and all other possibility value) in search fields on datagrid. Please help me. I we have a module we can take this functionnality, me take me here name. Thank you  
4 answers

Hi Mamdouh,

The grid search widget might be of help here. From the documentation "Any search criteria that can be written in XPath is supported". The xpath constraints you want are 

attribute empty 

[attributeName = empty] 


attribute not empty

[attributeName != empty] 


Association empty




Association not empty




Here is the link to the widget


Hope this helps!


Edit: The github has a nice example project that show show to configure the AnySearch functionality.

The test folder has the example project. In the project search for the page called "Filters". The Any Search tab has the example. 


Yes this is standard search functionality. But i like add search (Empty or not datavalue), this is classical in excel.



Hi Austin I have a problem with Dropdown Dynamic The Multi-Select do not function, but single selection function correctly. Any Idea Please



Hi Mamdouh, 

Filtering data is standard functionality on datagrids by adding search fields to the designated area:

But Im guessing your need goes beyond this functionality: what is it you want to do that is not possible using standard search functionality?

