Is there any difference between Action button onclick event-> create object and microflow activity create object?
I have two scenario, One is , in action button i am giving event as create object and then go to page Another is. i am calling a microflow in on button click and in that microflow i am using create object. Both of this go to a page called Asset Edit in which i have form with save button. In first scenario if i click on button and if i click on save button in the page then the object is created, if i leave page without doing anything then there is no entry of the object, but in second , if i click on the button which calls a microflow and then if leave the page without clicking save button still there is an entry in database. What is the reason behind this? and if i want the same behavior with using microflow then what should i do? case 1 case 2
Shikha Shah
3 answers
Looks like you are already commiting the NewAsset in the microflow (based on the arrow up icon) on the create action. This way it is directly stored in the database. You should be able to turn that off.
In the first scenario, the object isnt commited on creating. It then only exist in your browser memory untill you commit it with the save button on the form.
Sander Suijkerbuijk
In your microflow, when you create Asset you have the “Commit” radio box set, so this is saving your data to the database as soon as it is being created. If you don’t want the Asset to be saved by the microflow, don’t select Commit.
Hope this helps.
Robert Price
From here i am creating an object and then redirect to a page
this is the page in which button call custom microflow