Mendix database connection configuration

Hi,  I am trying to connect to mysql, I don’t want to use database connector.  What i can find is i have to give configuration in project->setting->database , we have to select Mysql/mariaDb and give other value. This is done.  I want to understand how it works, let say i have a database in mySql ->demo and it has a table named->mytable. Mytable has values also. How can i retrieve values from that table. Do i need to use retrieve activity in microflow? If yes then do i need to create an entity in mendix domain model s well or i can fetch directly from connected database?  
1 answers

If you’re trying to read data from an existing database, you need to use the Database Connector.

The database you connect to with the project->setting->database option is expected to be entirely owned by the Mendix runtime. It runs all of the DDL scripts to create and alter tables. It expects to own all of the tables and indexes in that database. Therefore, an existing table in that database cannot be read by the platform as you’re thinking.
