We’ve integrated with Azure BlobStorage and TableStorage successfully from Mendix.
Our requirements were to create an external copy there, so we wrote Java Actions against the Azure Java SDK to do this. They were only a few lines of code each.
We based our work on the examples provided in the Azure documentation. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-quickstart-blobs-java-legacy
@Robert could you consider sharing the code/java action?
Would be great if there was something in the store for this, but there isn’t. I’m facing the need to copy over documents from the app an external and independent storage on Azure.
Hi Robert Price
Thanks for your answer.
We are facing a similar kind of issue. The issue is, when the user tries to upload to azure, it throws an error.
Can we follow the same method to resolve this?
Thanks in Advance.