Dealing with Nested Data

FROM THE RAPID LEARNING PATH (ANALYST) Make the Add button and the > button functional (if you are not sure how to do this, take a look at 4.5.2). When selecting the Registration entity, remember to use the TrainingEvent as a constraint! Also, don’t forget to check the Pre-fill page contents based on the Registration entity, so Mendix Studio automatically places the input widgets for the attributes in the Registration entity. Open the Registration_NewEdit page you just created. This Registration needs to belong to someone; otherwise, the teachers won't know who is going to show up, just that somebody is. Make sure that the first thing Jimmy can do on that page is to select a Trainee. Also, this is probably the most important information about the Registration, so it should be the first editable field. Move the Trainee selection widget above the Date selection widget.     FROM MY APP Page: TrainingEvent_Registration_Overview Entity: Registration_TrainingEvent Page: Registration_NewEdit Page: Registration_NewEdit Nested Data Data View: Registration    Data View: Trainee   I’m trying to copy to dropdown selection from the 4.10.3 Create Details Page - Rapid Developer Path (Business Analyst) section. However, I couldn’t load any attributes for the Trainee Name. I already looked at this   Update: My question really is, is there a dropdown selection widget that lists all of the Trainee Name in the Database?  Make sure that the first thing Jimmy can do on that page is to select a Trainee. Also, this is probably the most important information about the Registration, so it should be the first editable field. Trainee selection widget.  
1 answers

That is because none of the Trainee’s attributes have a correct type for a dropdown: Enumeration or Association. Over association you can get the Trainee’s name, but you have to lose the Dataview Trainee first. Place the dropdown in the dataview of the registration. Then you will be able to select over association Registration/Registration_Trainee/Trainee/TraineeName.
