Displaying a listview on an associated entity with filters

As per the Domain Model below, I am trying to achieve a list of tasks that are filtered by association to an Asset. I also want to show the Task list in sections, grouped by the task attribute status. I also want to give the user the option of filtering these tasks further via a chosenTask milestone (dropdown list) and then refreshing the listview. I have tried, a Dataview of the entity Asset with a nested Task listview with an association over Task_Asset. I have also tried using a retrieve Microflow with xPath attributes but I cannot get an accurate list without duplicated objects. I would appreciate advice please.
1 answers

In the microflow you can remove the duplications with a list operation. Use the union operation to do this. See the documentation here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/list-operation

And use a possible helper entity for the filter options. Then based on the helper entity you can drill down to the right list.



