How to show data in data grid of different entity in the same page

I am unable to show data in data grid of different entity in the same page which consists of one more different entity and attributes connected to database in the same page
1 answers

If I understand your question, you want to display data from different entities in one datagrid. This is possible if the entities are associated and if the association is *-1 or 1-1. If there can be multiple objects on the other side, they can not just be displayed in a datagrid (because it’s always one line per object).

If this is the reason why it is not possible to show it as you need it, you have again multiple options. You could create (non-persistable) report objects that contain all needed information in a single entity. You could also add extra attributes or associations to your existing entity to have the data prepared in a way that can be used in a datagrid (For example an aggregation of the associated list, or an association to the single object in the list that needs to be displayed,...).
