Hello, Our team recently started working with datadog, and it’s been great! We have run into two weird little things that we can’t seem to figure out. We have the exact same variables setup in both our test and production environments. They are identical. When we log into dd, we show that the test environment is pulling everything, but the production environment is not. The production environment is not receiving data related to the database or REST calls. We have received this error (**** added to remove identifying information about our application): DEBUG | (serializer.go:181 in SendMetadata) | Sent host metadata payload, content: {"apiKey":"*************************","agentVersion":"6.1.0+git.46.80a9335","uuid":"*************************","internalHostname":"*************************","meta":{"socket-hostname":"*************************","timezones":["UTC"],"socket-fqdn":"*************************","ec2-hostname":"","hostname":"*************************","host_aliases":[],"instance-id":""},"agent_checks":[["postgres","postgres","initialization","ERROR","{\"Core Check Loader\":\"Check postgres not found in Catalog\",\"JMX Check Loader\":\"check is not a jmx check, or unable to determine if it's so\"}"],["mx-database-diskstorage","mx-database-diskstorage","initialization","ERROR","{\"Core Check Loader\":\"Check mx-database-diskstorage not found in Catalog\",\"JMX Check Loader\":\"check is not a jmx check, or unable to determine if it's so\"}"]],"external_host_tags":[]} Anyone else running into this? Any ideas on how to resolve would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Marie Trull
1 answers
If you have deployed this application in the Mendix cloud, I would create a ticket at https://support.mendix.com and let them figure it out: the datadog agent, cloud infrastructure, and postgres database are all standard components, and this should just work.