Oracle DB error after migrating to Mendix 7

Hello everyone,   I'm currently encountering an error when I try to deploy a new version of my app to the acceptance environment. Our setup is as follows: One Mendix app with two licenced environments (acceptance and production) that are both deployed on a on premises server. Both environment are configured with an Oracle database which is running on a different server in the same network. The version for the oracle database is: Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition Release - 64bit Production.   The current app is running in Mendix 6.10.4 and I would like to upgrade to Mendix 7.23.12. During this migration, I also fixed all of the warnings and deprecations which included many usages of floats and/or currencies. After I deploy to the acceptance environment I get the following error (with Dutch description): java.sql.SQLException: ORA-54032: De te hernoemen kolom wordt gebruikt in een uitdrukking van een virtuele kolom.   The error is caused by this query: ALTER TABLE "DWH$BESTELLINGGOEDERENREGEL2" RENAME COLUMN "BESTELLINGAANTAL" TO "AB4804C88A344B7594EC8FDE2F7A80"   If I look at the entity in the domain model, I see that one exists (without the “2” suffix) with the attribute “BestellingAantal”. This attribute was a float before which has been converted to a decimal. I'm mentioning this because I think it might be related. I googled the error “ORA- 54032”, but other than some posts that mention that Oracle is creating hidden tables I'm not making any progress. Has anyone encountered this problem before and if so, do you have a possible solution for me?   Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Mart Busger op Vollenbroek​​​​​​
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