Restore specific data

Hi community, We're currently building an app and we're thinking about ways to restore specific masterdata from ACCP to PROD environment. Right now there is some masterdata manually configured on the ACCP environment and these are the only tables we would like to restore on PROD as soon as we go live. What is the best way to do this in v4 environments? I was thinking about the following options: Restore full ACCP database and delete data that's not needed → Lots of delete actions needed, messy DB Import data with ODATA service from other environment → takes some time to build the integration part Export data from ACCP, Export clean PROD database and Import data manually with PGadmin or other postgres tool, Restore in Mx Cloud environment → Sensivite to errors   Any other good alternatives to accomplish this?
2 answers

I assume that there isn’t any data yet on PROD which must be remained. And Masterdata doesn’t have association to data to be deleted.

In that case: 

  1. database backup ACCP
  2. delete everything you don’t need using PGAdmin
  3. restore in PROD



  1. cleanup data using microflows in ACCP + DB Backup/restore to Prod
  2. OData transfer as suggested
  3. Excel export/import?

Depends a bit on how often you are planning to do this. if more then a couple of times I would go for webservice (or OData) to import the data you need. And make a sollution to clear all the data again and do a fresh import.



