XPath constraint not working for selectable objects

Hi everyone, Is it possible to do an attribute comparison when using xpath in the selectable objects option of a reference selector?  So I have an entity called ‘Request’ and I set an attribute called ‘Team Code’ to a string (say CM01).  I then have an entity called Users and these all have an attribute called TeamCode where some have CM01.  I have an assoication between these 2 entites. I’m trying to return the users that have the same TeamCode as the attribute in ‘Request’.   I know that I can bring back the list of users I want if I do something like ‘TeamCode = ‘CM01’’, which is me hardcoding the CM01.  But this will change depending on who is logged in.  So if I set this value in the ‘Request’ Attribute, I want to do: [TeamCode = WebApp.Request_Users/WebApp.Request/TeamCode] This doesn’t appear to work at all.   The reference selector is pointing to right datasource which is WebApp.Request_Users/WebApp.Users/WebApp.Users.EmployeeName  (EmployeeName is actually what I want to appear in my reference selector list) I’m using  a Page Parameter of Request and a Snippet that has an entity of Request. Is it possible? EDIT: I'm not using the Administration.Account object.  The Users entity is one that I have created.  They are different modules in the project, but my account  that I am logged in as has full read and write access to the data.
1 answers

Hi Ben, I think the problem here is this only works if your object Request is committed first with the association.

Have you tried another option with source xpath containt for selectable objects. Below the box for XPath contraint you can select a ‘Constrained by’ path.
