In the rare case that a database has become corrupted you could be required to solve these problems in PGAdmin to then upload and restore the correct database. When doing this, the following should be taken into account:
- Make sure you have saved your database in the same PostgreSQL version as the database version on the teamserver
- Make sure you use the correct PG_Dump version that complies to the PostgreSQL version used on the teamserver
- When using the backup functionality within pgAdmin the PG_Dump utility will be used under the hood. pgAdmin however has an interesting process for choosing the version of these utilities as pgAdmin has its own cache of utility programs and will use these unless you tell it differently. This means that regardless of PostgreSQL v14 being the only installed version on your computer pgAdmin will still use the utilities of the latest version that was available when installing pfAdmin. You can check the utilities version used by doing the following in pgAdmin: File>preferences>Paths and set Binary Paths corresponding to your postgres installation, for example: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin.
- Solve database issues in pgAdmin
- Create a database backup by selecting 'backup..'
- Carry out the backup with the following settings: 1) Set a filename with .backup extension for example filename.backup 2) leave all other settings untouched.