Hot deploy changes on a production environment without restart - Mendix Forum

Hot deploy changes on a production environment without restart


Would be great if we could have the ability to deploy our changes to production without doing a restart of the server.

For e.g, a developer could create a branch line of the production environment and make a specific change to the way a page looks or maybe add a new static page or add/modify some css/javascript to existing pages. Then the modeler should have the ability to generate a unique patch for these changes only and even identify if a restart will be required.

this way we can deploy changes to the production application quicker and without any restarts.

1 answers

Having the ability to update items that are not loaded by the JVM would indeed be great, it does not require a restart so why not. If the deploy system could be made smart enough to do this in the local runtime it should also be possible with cloud nodes right?
