Improve/extend the administrative interface - Mendix Forum

Improve/extend the administrative interface


Imagine that you have 50+ applications in your environment – how would you go about it? There are some apps that are no longer used, but you need to pay for the cloud node, there are some applications hitting the performance limit for the provided cloud node, There are users who have left the company, there are applications based on older design or there are demo/local accounts inside some of the applications. There are SSL certificates that nees to be updated… integrations that require attention

These are regular administrative tasks from the perspective of an corporate administrator. 

For this it would be be useful to either significantly extend the current “Company Admin” interface or even consider creating an Administrative Client that would help with some of these tasks. Most critical are the security relevant topicts such as local accounts or week passwords in some of the apps or application running based on older version. I would reccomend to add more views where the administrator could see more infromation at once without the need to each time open every and each application individually. 


I would reccomend to structure it as this:

Application User Management:

Application Hosting Management:

Team Server Management:



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