Synchronize data between the same app with the same datamodel but to different environments - Mendix Forum

Synchronize data between the same app with the same datamodel but to different environments


I think we have all been there, creating runtime level configurable data that you added in Development, then have to add it to Test and when moving to the acceptance environment have to add it there, to only have to add it one more time in Production. And if you work in a team with multiple developers everyone needs to get that runtime level configuration data into their database as well.

Of course, we can build a synchronization mechanism for this using web services, export/import, microflows automatically filling the default configuration. But why not add a function to the platform itself. A function that allows you to synchronize data between environments if the application model is exactly the same for that piece of data that you want to migrate.

To make it clear do not limit the synchronization to completely the same models but for example, if the e-mail template module is the same then allow synchronization of that data between Development and Test. The app does need to be the same to make it easier to implement.

2 answers

Good one Mitchel. This would really save a lot of time for us when we bring new customers live.


Great idea: managing runtime configuration data is always a challenge and error prone, so automatically synchronize runtime config data along DTAP as well as the possibility to share such data between developers would be a great help for developers and operations.
