Merging with conflicts - Mendix Forum

Merging with conflicts


When you merge branches you can come across conflicts in microflows. Now I save 'mine' side under a new name and then choose 'theirs'. I will then compare this with each other. With a major rework job in a separate branch, this is quite a job when many microflows have been hit.

It would be nice if 'Mine' and 'theirs' ended up in 1 microflow in a merge conflict. Here the relevant microflow comes into a status where you can resolve the issues in the microflow. What happens then is that the 'Mine' and theires' will be placed under each other. all activities that are new or changed will then have a different color on both sides with the information from which side the change has taken place. In this way you visually have a much better picture of the changes made and the merging becomes a lot easier.

It would be nice if movements were ignored. So purely displacements, not sequence in process. Now you sometimes see more than 100 changes on 'mine' and 'theirs' side of which 90% are displacements.

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