Improve managing constants in Cloud Portal like default sorting - Mendix Forum

Improve managing constants in Cloud Portal like default sorting


Managing a large list of environmental constants via the Cloud Portal can be tricky. For more than a year now, the constants are not ordered by name by default anymore. When a new constant is added in the model and deployed to an environment, the constant will be added at the end of the list of constants. The first time, it seems handy, as you probably want to set the new constant. However, over time the list will be more and more chaotic and the order of constants will look random. Then you have to click one extra time, every time to sort the constants by name. Please, show the list of constants ordered by name by default.

Secondly, when you do sort by name, edit one and click “Save and Next”, it will continue to the next in the original list, not your ordered list. Please, make the next button, the next item in my ordered list.

Thirdly, when you do sort by name, the list will still not be sorted exactly like Excel would sort the list. See example below. Probably the underscores are neglected and use of capitals is ignored. Please, make the sorting functionality identical to Excel such that comparisons can be done easily.

Fourthly, although the documentation of a constant is given in the modeler, in the cloud portal it is always shown empty. Please, show the documentation of a constant in the Cloud Portal. ✅ fixed 😀

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