Automatically create backup before deploying new package - Mendix Forum

Automatically create backup before deploying new package



As a team we have the agreement to create a backup right before we do a deployment on Production, and I guess many will agree this is a good practice.

Now, sometimes it happens that we forget to do this. Of course 99 out of a 100 times this is no problem, but what if you forget it the 100th time, Then you are in sh*t…

Is it possible to create a setting in the deployment stage to automatically create a backup before deployment? This backup doesn’t have to be save for a very long time, just like the nightly backup. Also it would be nice if this setting is configurable per environment, as we don’t really care that this happens for Test / Acceptance.

2 answers

This is indeed a very nice idea and waiting for Mendix to implement this. Considering Human Error, there are at times when creating a backup before development is missed in the process and having this as a configurable setting will ensure that backup is taken 100% of the time whenever a new built is pushed to Production ensure easier rollback incase of an issue


Of course you could achieve this with your own CICD solution, but it would indeed be a nice Sprintr feature as well. 
I would suggest to have it as an option before (re)starting the application. This option could be enabled by default in case a new package has just been deployed.
